We have been working in partnerships with our clients since 1996.
Let me introduce myself, Flavia Pizzini, founder and managing director of Città Affari, Certified Meeting Specialist and active member of MPI (Meeting Professional International).
I have been awarded on 2021 with the Intertek Certification MEETING and EVENT MANAGER according to the Italian reference standard UNI 11786:2020.
We organize events in Italy, Europe, US and wherever we are asked to go.
vision: generate POSITIVE IMPACT EVENTS!!!
We develop projects that enhance content by personalizing the experience of the participants and coordinating all activities by becoming directors of this new "CUSTOMER JOURNEY" with the aim of:
-- Identify your goals and the expectations of all stakeholders
-- SOSTENIBILITY-- we design and implement SUSTAINABLE EVENTS, integrating social, economic and environmental responsibility into all the various processes of the realization of the event. The event itself becomes a channel to communicate the commitment to the sustainability of the company and create value for customers. We are committed to minimizing negative impacts and, at the same time, leaving a positive legacy.
We integrate your strategic goals with the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030, adopted by world leaders at the United Nations.
-- CONTENT DESIGN -- we transform content to make it usable with alternative formats to residential formats
-- MEETING DESIGN -- Let's explore new digital opportunities to develop engagement and networking
-- SPONSORSHIP -- We design the new offer for sponsors identifying other revenue streams and alternative products
-- FINANCE -- decline the budget on the new formats
-- ORGANIZATION -- We coordinate pre- and post-event activities: registration, sponsorship, reporting, etc.
-- TECHNOLOGY -- We identify the most advanced technology solutions to develop customized platforms
-- COMMUNICATION -- Set up a multichannel communication strategy that amplifies messages to be conveyed
As travel & event specialist, we provide our services to companies, institutions, scientific and cultural associations, tour operators and all who want to enjoy a qualified result.
Our headquarter is based in Verona, a fascinating location offering a wide range of charming tailored lodging solutions.
We guide you with knowledge, detailed programs, extensive database of texts and pictures, direct quality control over every step of the travel process, with the most attractive prices negotiated with the best providers.
We have a transparent pricing policy with a vast offering of bespoke venues.
We offer intuitive expertise and a result-driven approach, loving to present the ultimate framework that breathes life into your vision.
What customer say
"Thank you so much Flavia, you make thing so easy”,
A.M., Pediatrique, Paris
"Just a note to thank you for all your help with the organization of the Conference. It was a great job and we were really pleased with the way it went. I look forward to the next one"
S.E., President-European Cystic Fibrosis Society
"Di ritorno a Nimes, voglio ringraziarla personalmente per l’organizzazione perfetta del nostro congresso Veronese. Il nostro soggiorno rimarrà a lungo nella memoria dei membri di Alta-Juris, tanto per la bellezza dei luoghi che per la gentilezza dell’accoglienza e la qualità delle prestazioni",
JC.M., Eleom Avocats
"Flavia! sei di una efficienza "scandalosa"!!!! fammi sapere se ti clonano!!!" F.V., Uniroma3
Below is a list of customers:
- Cerin S.p.A.
- Bottoni S.r.l.
- Bucintoro Viaggi S.r.l.
- Ae Italia S.r.l.
- Cepu I.F.F. S.r.l.
- Kws Ag
- Otto Olsen A.S. Norway
- Comac S.p.A.
- Adpress Communications S.p.A.
- Quercia Software S.p.A.
- CM Comunicazione
- Franke S.p.A.
- Studium S.r.l.
- New Clean S.r.l.
- Fro Saldature S.r.l.
- Saf Air Liquide Welding
- Honda Automobili Italia S.p.A.
- Calzedonia S.p.A.
- Fabbrica Accumulatori URANIO S.p.A.
- Morelato Mobili S.r.l.
- Fonderie SIME S.p.A.
- Cantina S. Osvaldo
- Editoriale Domus S.p.A.
- Ina Assitalia
- Gansow Italia S.r.l.
- Sovema S.r.l.
- Sophisticated Italy S.r.l.
- Enoteca Segreta
- Giro d’Italia Co. USA
- Valex SpA
- AR.VE. Srl
- Soluzioni Omnia Media Srl
- Thermopicena Srl
- Brodeur Image Time Srl
- Ance associazione nazionale giovani costruttori edili
- Smithkline Beecham SpA
- Solvay Pharma Spa
- Villa Santa Chiara SpA- casa di cura privata
- RingTours
- A.G.I.V.I. Associazione Giovani Imprenditori Vinicoli Italiani
- Welcome Travel Point Srl
- Cidneo Viaggi Srl
- Digital Network Srl
- Hawker Oldham - VHB Batterie Industriali
- Ferroli SpA
- Quadrifoglio Digital Communication
- C.E.I.S. Onlus
- Ferrunion SpA
- Contact Srl
- Fondazione per la Ricerca Fibrosi Cistica
- Associazione Italiana Sindrome di Shwachman
- Midac Accumulatori SpA
- Match Music Srl
- Tetra Brik Packaging System SpA
- Ctm Altromercato
- Clima Comfort Srl
- Lt-Tukko Oy / Kauko Wines Finland
- Banca Popolare di Verona
- Vaiba Srl
- Wheels Srl
- Nuova Concessionaria Vanti & Facci
- Velux-Italia Srl
- Mci Wordcom SpA
- International Golf Consultants Srl
- Spidi Sport Srl
- Coo’ee Italia JPA International -Associazione Int. Commercialisti- France
- Mondadori Printing S.p.A.
- Giacomini Group-marmi SpA
- Eismann SpA
- Autogerma - Divisione SEAT e SKODA
- Rossignol sci SpA
- Virax Srl
- Esseci Casa Srl
- Maurizio Righetti Coiffeur
- UniKa Srl
- Utensilerie Associate SpA
- Synetix
- Unichrom srl
- Azienda Trasporti Funicolari Malcesine
- Gruppo Gregatim srl
- Az.Agr. Fratelli Fabiano Spa
- Unione Italiana Vini
- Comas SpA
- Autoservizi Bonomo
- Ferplast Srl
- Karcher SpA
- Degio’ Srl
- Marketing Multimedia
- Ente Fiera di Isola della Scala Srl
- Comune di Zevio
- Regione Veneto
- Cantine Cavicchioli Srl
- Peperoncino Srl
- A.S.I.O.I. Onlus
- Spirale Arte Srl
- Bengodi Spa
- Agsm Rete Gas Srl
- Enersys Srl
- Scuderia Srl
- Madamar Srl
- Simec SpA
- Tetra Pak Carton Ambient Spa
- Coplanity
- Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Spa
- Università degli Studi di Verona, Dip. di Medicina e Sanità Pubblica
- Teatro Stabile di Verona
- Centro Regionale di Fibrosi Cistica - Osp.le Maggiore Verona
- Associazione Alzheimer Protetta
- Istituto Einaudi
- Comune di Verona – Assessorato Pari Opportunità
- Mostwelcome
- Ritec Srl
- Casinò Municipale di Venezia
- Acropoli Srl – Abitare il Tempo
- European Cystic Fibrosis Society-ECFS Denmark
- Università degli Studi di Verona Dept. Genetica
- Studio di Architettura Arteco
- Green School
- Eggeventi Srl
- Federfarma di Verona e provincia
- Federfarma Veneto
- Mtech Srl- gruppo Mastrotto
- Borghi Srl
- Montresor Marmi Srl
- Università degli Studi di Verona, Dip. di Scienze della Vita e della Riproduzione
- Chiesi Farmaceutica
- Centro Regionale U.L.S.S. 20-21-22 “Il Faro”
- Villa de Winckels
- Casinò di Campione d’Italia
- Teatro Laboratorio
- Teco Srl
- Voicevale Ltd -UK
- Planzer Trasporti -CH
- Frank Wetters Netherlands
- Poclain Hydraulics Srl
- Hotel Veronesi La Torre
- Multibeton-France
- Dompè Farmaceutici
- Novartis Farmaceutica
- Ditchling Wine Society UK
- ASM Bressanone/City hall
- Alta-juris International – Group d’Avocats, France
- Evta-European Vocational Training Association
- V.S.O.E Ltd - Belmond Italia
- Affresco Srl
- Castle & Villa Club of Italy Srl
- Motivation&Events
- Laborweb
- Casa Vinicola Botter
- Diadema Spa - Habanos
- ACB group
- Ing.O.Fiorentini SpA
- Kennametal Italia SpA
- Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine - Houston, Texas -US
- HTD Consulting Srl Unipersonale
- Fope Verona
- Ristitaly srl
- Adelio Lattuada srl
- Advisionair sas
- Virgilio Carrelli
- Jpa International S.A.
- Backstage srl
- BCM Operating Unit
- Cesari spa
- In Action srl
- D.Event srl
- Motomeccanica srl
- Sport Events & Friends Doo Beograd-Savski Venac, Serbia
- University of Cambridge, UK
- Doosan Infracore Europe s.r.o, Czech Republic